Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Bepuzzlement 2

Well am now meeting the woman from the charity on the 7th January. I thought it best to ask if there was anything she wished me to bring to the meeting at which point she emailed to ask me to bring my digital rendered images.

My digital rendered images are landscapes. I am very proud of them, in fact should you wish to have a look they can be found here: www.cariassus.deviantart.com. I cannot immediately see their significance to marketing/charities in general however. I guess it shows that I am creative and the evidence to support that. I realise it has been a while since I last "created" something. Perhaps I should seek to add to my gallery in the next month so that not everything there is over a year old.

Also got the strangest job info yet today sent to me through "letter". A fuel liason officer in afghanistan.

Yeah..I am not kidding. I cant think of a many less appealing jobs and to top if off I was not qualified anyway!

With regards to Bepuzzlement 1, never did here from the chambers again despite the surprising phone call. Very odd.

Monday, 14 December 2009

Something Positive

Its funny, looking back. I was never really a positive person. My reason behind always wanting a back up was the pessimism that something always goes wrong, Sods Law seemed to know me better than most and school gave me a feeling of hopelessness day after day without fail.

Amazing really I have emerged as an optimist, telling others they need to look on the bright side. Last weeks blow was hard to take. It was not unexpected, it was not out of the ordinary, it was simply confirmation of what I already believed.

I dearly hoped to be proved wrong.

I consider it a turning point, even if it was entirely unremarkable. It showed me that I had to get experience somehow, that continuing to apply for jobs without it would be as productive as banging my head against the wall. So I chased the volunteering people. I exchanged emails with a woman named Joanna and seemed set to volunteer in an office for the Juvenile Diabetic Association..and then that fell through. Joanna was very apologetic and said she would look for something else for me, mentioning an admin position in her very office.

What I got was an email late last week mentioning a charity was looking for a marketing volunteer. Not just admin but marketing, the thing I had searched and searched for. After exchanging emails with the charity I was informed they are working with a marketing consultant from london, working on a mission statement, strategy and branding. Buzz words. Words that jumped from the screen and reignited the hope.

I am meeting the charity on the 11th January where I will hopefully arrange to volunteer and begin to implement and work on the marketing plan put forward by the professional from London. Working in marketing. The only downside is not getting paid, but its a small one. Finally it seems I am getting somewhere and if all goes well then I will get the marketing experience I have so craved.

In the meantime I will continue to search for full time jobs. It may not come to anything, but its possible I might just find a weak spot in the wall and break through to the other side

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Time to think

Today is not a good day to blog and I think I need to take a step back and reassess pretty much everything. Got the expected rejection from JPA, again stating a candidate had significantly more experience and that had I had similar experience it may have been a different story.

I feel like I am stuck in a rut and that finding a way out, something I expected to be difficult is proving nigh impossible.

I will post a more significant, longer entry when I have thought over what I am going to do, but for the moment I need to reflect and figure that out.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this blog and those who read it. I hope I have been helpful and interesting and I will be back soon.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Experience is the key

I have given this a lot of thought and this has led to me to pursue my latest possible opportunity. This entry is in part in response to a comment made by Jacky and part by own musings on the subject.

As I have hazarded before, experience is everything particularly in a recession. Everyone is in the business of playing it safe whether it be in business ventures, employees or finances. They are likely to ignore the diamond in the rough, the promising candidate, the risky but brilliant individual in favour of someone who will do the job adequently and who has shown they can do it in the past. Dont get me wrong I am not suggesting I am any of the above, but I do consider myself an unsafe choice for an organisation. Young, unemployed and with no experience. Okay I have shown some application by getting a degree and a diploma but otherwise I am a blank canvas. Organisations it would seem would sooner take the painting over the canvas even if the canvas could become potentially a masterpiece the fact it could also prove a disaster means its not worth the risk.

This is best seen in agencies and their change of policy to only be interested in people with experience, in a way defeating the point of themselves.

A few weeks back someone suggested I look into volunteering, I have followed this up and now see it as my best chance of gaining that all important experience. I have been in correspondence with someone at the local volunteering agency and they are looking to place me somewhere in the New Year. Although I would (for obvious reasons) prefer a paying job, the idea of being able to gain experience whilst making a difference in the community is one that really appeals to me. I firmly believe that it was experience holding me back from getting a job, a view only vilified by the feedback from my latest interview.

Hi Anthony

Thank you for getting back in touch.

With reference as to why the other candidate got the position – it basically came down to the fact that they had previous administrative experience in an office environment.

Now this is not to say other things do not matter but experience is the big differentiator so far, its the thing that has come up time and time again and without it I am not sure it mattters if I am the most enthusiastic, hard working, creative candidate who wants the job more than anyone else, I am the candidate with the least experience and that tells.

Monday, 7 December 2009

Another Rejection

Maybe I should have chosen bullshit...

Recieved an email this morning from the Admin job informing me my application has been unsuccessful. Wrote back requesting feedback as I tend to do but am not sure whether I will recieve it or whether it will be any good.
Job hunting can be intensely frustrating and sometimes you really can despair. This is one such case, the position as I read it could have been done by more or less anyone and I cannot even get that.
Its important at times like this to avoid self pity, loathing and general depression. They after all do not get you anywhere but this latest rejection has led me to really ask what I am doing wrong. What, if anything will help me break into the job market and start a career.
I also get my results this week. The strange thing is although I am looking forward to them and would really like a distinction for the hard work I put in last year I dont believe it will actually make a difference to my job hunt.
Once again I have to get myself up and focus on the next opportunity, still have not heard from JPA, and the potential of a volunteering opportunity still exists.
On the whole though I am looking forward to the Christmas holidays, a change of pace and a rest from doing nothing

Friday, 4 December 2009

Honesty or Bullshit?

Today I had an interview for an administration post.
I woke up feeling rotten, stuffed up, coughing and slightly nauseous so decided to ring the company to ask if they would rather reschedule it. They said they would risk my illness and thus I set off. Journey was easiest for a while, everything went like clockwork and then I arrived.
The post is covering for a girl not much older than me who is going on maternity leave for a year. It involves many menial, boring duties and long hours. This led unsurprisingly to my interviewer asking why someone with a degree and a diploma would want the position. I had two choices, honesty or bullshit. I could tell her I have always had a soft spot for filing, I enjoy working all day on computers, manning phones or I could tell her that I wanted the job because if offered experience and was only a year long, thus allowing me to pursue my chosen career once it finished.

I chose honesty.

I prefer to if I can. To me, trust and honesty are important in life and also in business. Sure some people can bullshit till there is no tomorrow, using half truths and outright lies to get a little further. But they will be found out for what they are usually, not to mention they will have little if any integrity.
In contrast honesty can be powerful. Yes it can make you out to be human and reveal something which on paper may harm your prospects but hopefully organisations appreciate it. In this case I was going for a job I would never have imagined going for, something which would usually be filled by a non graduate, but in doing so showed willing to do what it took to get somewhere. Something important in an menial admin job.
I will be honest, I would much prefer the JPA job mentioned earlier this week, but if necessary I will spend a year inputting data, filing and making tea. In my opinion it can only reflect well on me in the future.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Written Applications: A Rant

Earlier this week I recieved a letter from a firm offering me an interview on Friday. Enclosed with the letter was an application form they desired me to fill out. An 8 page written application form

What is it with written application forms? Shouldn't they have been phased out in favour of technology? They are inferior in so many ways and in this case are being used to reiterrate information I have already given the firm, via technology. In case you are puzzled as to why I am quite so strongly opposed to them here are a few pointers.

1. They are time consuming - okay not a big issue for the firm here, but an irritation for the applicant. It takes so long to write everything out, which brings me neatly to point 2
2. You have to write EVERYTHING out - If you apply on a computer then a certain amount of copy and paste is likely. You will have you grades in your C.V and its a simple minute procedure to add them to the form. Similarly with work experience and personal information.
3. They have LITTLE boxes - What is it with firms who ask for information and they leave you a five centimetre box to write your answer in. Yes, you can always turn the page over and write on the other side, or write outside the box but this looks messy, instead you try to make handwriting as tiny as possible till its barely readable. Its entirely reasonable to limit the amount people can write but you can do that on a computer too!
4. Handwriting - Handwriting varies, some people have big loopy handwriting, some people have tiny crabbed handwriting. The one thing they have in common, typed script is easier to read.
5. Its on paper - So the firm gets the application. You cant database paper applications, well you can but its wastefully inefficient. Instead you may as well type it up.. and look your having to type up something that could have just been given to you anyway in that format!
6. What a waste of paper - Most applications are x pages long. The longest I have completed was 14 sheets. If every interested candidate has to fill that out the amount of paper wastage is impressive. On that note some pages are pointless to some candidates, I have had no previous employment thus left the page entirely blank. This the alternative of pressing "next" just with extra wastage. Why not put it on a computer, thus saving the environment and the world in the process. Its that easy!

7. A counter argument - Some people may suggest that technology scared people feel safer with paper. A fair point you might say. If the job did not largely involve sitting on a computer all day! Not to mention there really are no place for the kind of person who views a computer as a suspicious object best left well alone in any modern office!

Ultimately there are technologies and developments that make others obsolete. DVDs replaced Videos, CDS replaced Cassettes because they were better then their predecessor. Why then do we still have to put up with old fashioned, inferior paper applications? I am at a loss to see why paper applications are still used.

Answers to me on a stamp addressed envelope at...

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Opening the sales door (And then shutting it again)

Yesterday I went for a job that included the word sales in the title. This in itself did not seem remarkable.

On the very same day in the evening I was added by someone new on linkedin mentioning they may have an opportunity for me. Skeptical as always I preceeded to examine the links from her page finding a costume rental firm, a school and xango - a miracle drink made from mangosteens.

Xango is a MLM (multi levelled marketing) company. This means effectively they provide the product to individual distributors who then either distribute it on to other distributors or sell it directly. Distributors get to buy xango at wholesale prices and get to keep 50% off the profit.

Now I am not a scientist, nor am I going to claim to have an authority here but there is something I strongly dislike about this. I am not suggesting Xango is a scam (there are enough sites doing that) nor am I suggesting it works. (plenty of sites saying that too - from curing arthritis, asthma and even aiding cancer) I do however have an issue and always have had an issue with MLM and its concept. I dislike the idea of people selling to people they know, pressuarising them to buy a product they have been brainwashed to believe is a miracle cure for everything in existance. Even it is, they can simply tell people about it, the power of WOM. The fact they benefit by selling it at such high prices ($35 for 750ml) just makes it all a little less believable.

The joys of such schemes, so it is said, is that anyone, housewife, tinker, tailor, soldier...anyone can sell and make money from the product. The fact is however none of them can claim to be objective. The power of WOM in my opinion is objectivity. If a post a review of a product I own for others to see it is for objective reasons. I am not going to gain anything from posting the review, the company will not pay me for saying what a wonderful product they have and I am not going to then sell the product on. The moment that objectivity is lost then so is the value of those producing the review. It does not matter if your trying to be objective, you simply can't be, bias will creep in because you have something to gain and it is human nature to do so.

This is in essence my problem with sales(particularly hard sales) and why I have avoided seeking any sales based roles. The job at JPA was different, they really are offering services which are making a difference to older people with dementia, its black and white unlike the murky gray of products such as Xango

And thus the sales door shuts.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Another week, another interview.

Today I had an interview with JPA in Bishops Waltham for a sales and marketing executive position. Before I give any details of the interview itself I will explain a new problem to add to the list.

Finding the Company!

Now in a lot of cases, if you are a graduate seeking a job you will be interviewing with small firms. They may be based in remote areas, in office complexes. They may not be well sign posted. Now if like me you have not got a car or do not know how to drive you will have to rely on public transport.
Finding the bus stop in town proved easy, an old woman there struck up conversation with me, she didnt know where Victoria Road was but stated that anyone in bishops waltham would help me. After a rickety ride of 40 minutes she turned to me and asked if it was near any landmarks. I mentioned the priory inn, which it turns out is on the corner of Victoria road. After thanking the old woman and bidding her farewell I looked at my phone. 1pm, 30 minutes early! First objective, find the actual building where the company is based.
This is at times a difficult problem to overcome, you can use the map provided, or something such as google maps to help you locate the building. Asking around does not hurt either
Except today none of that seemed to work. JPA is based on Victoria Road in Bishops Waltham, a street which takes around 5 minutes to walk from one end to other.
Google maps told me the wrong building so I ended up walking into private housing to consult with a couple of guys hoisting a wardrobe up some stairs.
Nobody seemed to know where it was.
Eventually after many minutes of searching and several spans of the road I rang the company and asked them and soon figured out where they were. There was nothing I had noticed anywhere to tell me it was the right place. In fact if I had not been directed there I would never have found it.
This can be a little demoralising just before an interview but for me it meant my focus had gone away from nerves. It was not a case of panicking as I could not find it, but more utter confusion as to why I couldnt. Incidently my time arriving was 1:26, 26 minutes after stepping of the bus. This served me well as I went into the interview relatively relaxed. After all the surprisingly hard part was out the way.

The interview

I was a little surprised to see the M.D of the organisation sitting in on the interview as the email about it had stated it would be someone else. I was asked a series of pre prepared questions after a brief explanation of what the company did.

I think I fielded them relatively well. A number asked about previous experience or understanding of sales terms and I think I took the right approach in being honest. Amusingly amongst my answers I made several references to gamesoc and in particular "selling" the society at the bunfight.

If you read my last post you will know that the interview for the last job I applied for put me off the position. This one had the opposite effect. I was very impressed with JPA and what they are doing and also what their plans are for the position. I left feeling satisfied with my performance and hopeful that they will be the ones to give me a chance to begin my career in business.