Monday, 14 December 2009

Something Positive

Its funny, looking back. I was never really a positive person. My reason behind always wanting a back up was the pessimism that something always goes wrong, Sods Law seemed to know me better than most and school gave me a feeling of hopelessness day after day without fail.

Amazing really I have emerged as an optimist, telling others they need to look on the bright side. Last weeks blow was hard to take. It was not unexpected, it was not out of the ordinary, it was simply confirmation of what I already believed.

I dearly hoped to be proved wrong.

I consider it a turning point, even if it was entirely unremarkable. It showed me that I had to get experience somehow, that continuing to apply for jobs without it would be as productive as banging my head against the wall. So I chased the volunteering people. I exchanged emails with a woman named Joanna and seemed set to volunteer in an office for the Juvenile Diabetic Association..and then that fell through. Joanna was very apologetic and said she would look for something else for me, mentioning an admin position in her very office.

What I got was an email late last week mentioning a charity was looking for a marketing volunteer. Not just admin but marketing, the thing I had searched and searched for. After exchanging emails with the charity I was informed they are working with a marketing consultant from london, working on a mission statement, strategy and branding. Buzz words. Words that jumped from the screen and reignited the hope.

I am meeting the charity on the 11th January where I will hopefully arrange to volunteer and begin to implement and work on the marketing plan put forward by the professional from London. Working in marketing. The only downside is not getting paid, but its a small one. Finally it seems I am getting somewhere and if all goes well then I will get the marketing experience I have so craved.

In the meantime I will continue to search for full time jobs. It may not come to anything, but its possible I might just find a weak spot in the wall and break through to the other side


  1. Go you! Apart from the whole lack of cash thing, it sounds ideal.

    Out of interest, do you have an urgent "oh shit must have an income by then or I'm homeless" point, or are you going to survive doing charity work for a while?

  2. I can survive a while which is good. Partially because of government and partially because of savings.
