I am expecting this post is going to split views and could lead to outrage on both sides of the fence. Before I explain I would like to state that although I welcome any input, in this my mind is made up and I can be a stubborn git. I believe I have been treated unfairly and intend to fight the perceived injustice as hard as I can.
I have been claiming JSA now for nearly 6 months since finishing my masters degree in Marketing Management. In that time I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to find a marketing job and to help improve my employment prospects I have taken on two different roles. Firstly I am working in a voluntary role with a local not for profit organisation and my experience and approach has led to my appointment as Marketing manager within the organisation. Secondly I am working as a freelance writer for Fubra Limited who own a wide variety of sites. I have at various intervals broadened my job search to include other fields, further distances and lower wages all in the hope of kick starting my career in marketing.
My job searchers agreement states I should look at roles in marketing assistant, marketing executive and admin areas. It is this third, admin area which has led to the dispute. I have always looked for roles with the approach of asking what they can do for me. If a role will add to my skill set or build upon existing skills then I have applied. Today I was told that this approach was not flexible enough and I should be looking at all admin jobs regardless of what they involve or their job prospects. I can see little reason for this, other than its inclusion of the third item on my job seekers agreement list. The advisor I spoke with basically suggested that my main goal should be to come off JSA and therefore look at any role I can do. My argument centred around where you draw the line. If I do a job which largely involves making tea and coffee in an office (thus admin) what difference is there to my future if I instead chose to stack shelves or work construction. Neither would help me, both would get me off of JSA. We could not reach an agreement and she suspended my job seekers allowance.
My issue is this: I am currently getting the experience I need to kick start my career and going into any admin job regardless of duties would merely be taking a step backwards. I am unwilling to do this. It cost £6,200 to get my Masters and I won't throw that away just to satisfy the job centre. I am however, willing to consider any role which will benefit me in improving future prospects. What is more is I have not broken the terms of my job seekers agreement. The agreement states:
"Take at last 4-5 steps a week to look for work. Apply for a min of 4 advertised vacancies a week, if none available make 4 speculative approaches to employers. Keep a written record of jobsearch and bring to each review. Use internet www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk, phone adviser; 0845 6060 234, use Job points. Has been informed of work trails. Read ES40 for more info. "
I am not some employment dodger eager to live off benefits. I have been applying to at least 4 jobs each week, sometimes up to 10 and thereby fulfilling the criteria set out for me. I believe I should have the right to choose which jobs to apply for and am justified in turning down low skilled/menial admin jobs I would have been able to do straight out of school. I invested in education and I think it is unreasonable to be asked to ignore it.
At the time of suspension I was asked to write the issue as I saw it and my argument as it were. I was given pen and a piece of paper. I was given no further means to contact this "higher authority" which I believe to be unreasonable. I also think it is unfair to be made to write your argument there and then when you are still under the emotional stress brought about by the fact you have just had benefits suspended. I was very angry and although I did not convey this in my writing, I certainly did not structure my argument or include all the relevant points as well as I could have given the time.
I can see things from their point of view. The advisor pointed out, rightly, that I been unsuccessful in my marketing applications and therefore have to be more flexible. This I was willing to accept and I stated a desire and willing to apply for any job which helped me walk (even baby steps) along the marketing path. What I took issue with is that the job centre would sooner see me working at McDonald's than being supported to help begin my marketing career. I believe this to be out and out wrong and if it does indeed come across as the case I intend to make a noise about it as I feel strongly it is the wrong approach. I was egged in to getting a degree and vocational skills in the form of a masters by the government, if they then want me to just to pretend it doesn't exist that simply isn't fair.
I expect that my review will lead to me being taken off JSA and thus having all support withdrawn. Its a measly £24 anyway. Nonetheless I will continue to argue my point with anyone who will listen and fight for a change in the way graduates/professionals are treated. It has been suggested to me that I write to my local MP about this, something I intend to do. I have no idea whether this will actually help or result in anything but what I simply refuse to do is lie down and take it.
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