Friday, 8 January 2010


Yesterday was my meeting with the Wheatsheaf Charity with a view to me doing some volunteering for them primarily in the marketing area. It was a very relaxed laid back meeting but was a real eye opener.

The MSc I recently completed, although full of theory has not really prepared me to actually do marketing on a day to day basis. I dont even know entirely where to begin. We discussed a number of projects which they are working on and I was asked if I could design websites, promote young peoples ideas to people in power, help market an event and although I was able to give very basic ideas, giving a clear outline of what I would do if it was entirely my responsibility was impossible.

These past months I have been striving to find a marketing position but in reality having not experienced marketing on a day to day basis or any other business role for that issue I have no idea what I am doing or what I really want to do.

As I came back from the meeting I was called by ARM (Advanced Resource Managers) offering me the chance to attend an assessment centre for a trainee graduate position in their company. I didnt as such apply for the role and previously had not really considered recruitment as an area to get involved with. On the other hand it would train me from a grass roots level and just because I start in recruitment does not mean 2-4 years down the line I cannot change. The assessment centre is next Wednesday and I will attend.

The charity representatives said they would email me today about where I can start getting involved with their organisation, I have yet to recieve that email but fingers crossed it will arrive later and I wont have to chase them.

So it becomes a question, a choice. Recruitment job that pays vs Marketing job that doesnt. At the moment I am fortunate to be able to go after both

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